11 Facts About Jeremy Kauffman


Jeremy Kauffman was born on September 19,1984 and is an American entrepreneur and political activist known for founding and leading LBRY.


Jeremy Kauffman was the Libertarian nominee in the 2022 United States Senate election in New Hampshire.


Jeremy Kauffman was born on September 19,1984 and grew up in Manchester, New Hampshire.


Jeremy Kauffman earned two Bachelor of Science degrees in physics and computer science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


Jeremy Kauffman was CEO of TopScore prior to formulating the idea for a version of YouTube that would be decentralized in its construction and operation.


Jeremy Kauffman has not yet commented on whether he intends to appeal the decision or to settle with the SEC but has said the decision "threatens the entire US cryptocurrency industry" by classifying "almost every cryptocurrency" as a security.


In 2018, Jeremy Kauffman joined the board of directors of the non-profit, the Free State Project.


Jeremy Kauffman believes that the Free State Project is the most effective way for libertarians to achieve "liberty in our lifetimes" and has debated this assertion in a public forum.


Jeremy Kauffman is a member of the Libertarian Party's Mises Caucus.


Jeremy Kauffman defended his actions by saying the tweets were good for libertarians, and accused national party leadership of being "woke neoliberal globalists".


In 2022, Jeremy Kauffman ran for the United States Senate as a Libertarian in New Hampshire.