11 Facts About Joann Fletcher


Joann Fletcher was born on 30 August 1966 and is an Egyptologist and an honorary visiting professor in the department of archaeology at the University of York.


Joann Fletcher has published a number of books and academic articles, including several on Cleopatra, and made numerous television and radio appearances.


Joann Fletcher was educated at Barnsley College, a sixth-form and further education college in Barnsley.


Joann Fletcher studied ancient history and Egyptology at University College London, specializing in the Ptolemaic dynasty and Cleopatra.


Joann Fletcher graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1987.


Joann Fletcher is honorary visiting professor in the Department of Archaeology at the University of York and Head of the Local Ambassador Programme at the Egypt Exploration Society.


Joann Fletcher has undertaken excavation work in Egypt, Yemen, and the UK, and has examined mummies both on-site and in collections around the world.


Joann Fletcher writes for The Guardian newspaper and the BBC History Magazine and website.


Joann Fletcher has made numerous appearances on television and radio and was lead investigator in the History Channel television series Mummy Forensics.


Joann Fletcher's publications include The Story of Egypt, Cleopatra the Great and The Search for Nefertiti, together with guidebooks, journal articles, and academic papers.


Joann Fletcher's conclusions were dismissed by the majority of Egyptologists, and the evidence used to support Joann Fletcher's theories was declared as insufficient, circumstantial, and inconclusive.