13 Facts About Joanna Hoffman


Joanna Karine Hoffman was born on July 27,1955 and is a Polish-American marketing executive.


Joanna Hoffman was one of the original members of both the Apple Macintosh team and the NeXT team.


Joanna Hoffman's position "constituted the entire Macintosh marketing team for the first year and a half of the project," which included Product Marketing collaboration on the Mac product design itself.


Joanna Hoffman was born in Poland, the daughter of film director Jerzy Joanna Hoffman and his Armenian former wife Marlena Nazarian.


Joanna Hoffman lived with her mother in the Armenian SSR until age 10, when she went to live with her father in Warsaw, Poland.


Joanna Hoffman quickly became fluent in English and excelled in school.


Joanna Hoffman has a background in anthropology, physics, and linguistics, a Bachelor of Science in Humanities and Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and pursued a doctorate in archaeology at the University of Chicago at the Oriental Institute.

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Joanna Hoffman stopped in Poland to visit her grandmother and received word from Iran that she would have to return to the United States because of the Iranian Revolution.


Joanna Hoffman was on a leave of absence from the University of Chicago when she was encouraged by her friends to attend a lecture at Xerox PARC in California.


Joanna Hoffman began on the Macintosh project in October 1980 as part of Raskin's initial team of Burrell Smith, Bud Tribble, and Brian Howard.


Joanna Hoffman later followed Steve Jobs to NeXT, as one of its original members.


Joanna Hoffman had a reputation at both Apple and NeXT as one of the few who could successfully engage with Jobs.


Joanna Hoffman is married to Alain Rossmann, a native of France, who worked on the Mac team at Apple, with whom she has two sons.