18 Facts About John Derbyshire


John Derbyshire was born on 3 June 1945 and is a British-born American far-right political commentator, writer, journalist and computer programmer.


John Derbyshire was noted for being one of the last paleoconservatives in the National Review, until he was fired in 2012 for writing an article for Taki's Magazine that was widely viewed as racist.


John Derbyshire recommended that parents tell their children not to live in predominantly black communities.


John Derbyshire's columns cover political-cultural topics, including immigration, China, history, mathematics, and race.


John Derbyshire's 1996 novel Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream was a New York Times "Notable Book of the Year".


John Derbyshire attended the Northampton School for Boys and graduated from University College London, of the University of London, where he studied mathematics.


John Derbyshire worked as a writer at National Review until he was terminated in 2012 because of an article published in Taki's Magazine that was widely perceived as racist.


John Derbyshire began writing for the far-right website VDARE in May 2012.


John Derbyshire had an uncredited role in Way of the Dragon, a 1972 martial arts film directed by, and starring, Bruce Lee.


John Derbyshire writes in general from a small government conservative perspective.


John Derbyshire notably ridiculed George W Bush's "itty-bitty tax cut, paid for by dumping a slew of federal debt on your children and grandchildren," derided Bush as too sure of his religious convictions and for his "rich-kid-ness".


John Derbyshire has noted that small-government conservatism is unlikely to ever take hold in the United States, called for immediate US withdrawal from Iraq, opposed market reforms or any other changes in Social Security, supported legal access to abortion, supported euthanasia in a fairly wide range of circumstances, and suggested that he might vote for Hillary Clinton as president.


John Derbyshire once argued that America would be better off if women did not have the right to vote.


John Derbyshire differed from other writers at National Review magazine on many subjects.


For example, John Derbyshire supported Michael Schiavo's position in the Terri Schiavo case.


John Derbyshire reviewed the book harshly in the New English Review, and Ponnuru replied on National Review Online.


John Derbyshire has lived in Long Island, New York since 1992.


John Derbyshire has written numerous articles for various publications, including National Review, The New Criterion, The American Conservative and The Washington Times.