10 Facts About John Taverner


John Taverner is best-known for Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas and The Western Wynde Mass, and Missa Corona Spinea is often viewed as a masterwork.


John Taverner appears to have come from the East Midlands, possibly being born in Tattershall, Lincolnshire, but there is no indication of his parentage.


The earliest information is that in 1524, Taverner travelled from Tattershall to the Church of St Botolph in nearby Boston, as a guest singer.


Two years later, in 1526, John Taverner became the first Organist and Master of the Choristers at Christ Church, Oxford, appointed by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey.


Immediately before this, John Taverner had been a clerk fellow at the Collegiate Church of Tattershall.


Wolsey fell from favour in 1529, and in 1530, John Taverner left the college.


John Taverner married a widow, one Rose Parrowe, probably in 1536, and she outlived him until 1553.

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John Taverner is known to have settled eventually in Boston, Lincolnshire, where he was a small landowner and reasonably well-off.


John Taverner is buried with his wife under the belltower at Boston Parish Church.


The life of John Taverner was the subject of John Taverner, an opera by Peter Maxwell Davies.