Joseph Boxhall was born into an established seafaring tradition: His grandfather had been a mariner, his uncle was a Trinity House buoymaster and Board of Trade official, and his father was a respected master with the Wilson Line of Hull.
15 Facts About Joseph Boxhall
Joseph Boxhall's apprenticeship lasted four years, during which time he travelled extensively.
Joseph Boxhall then went to work with his father at Wilson Line and, after obtaining his Master's and Extra-Master's certifications in September 1907, joined the White Star Line.
Smith, who had just arrived on the bridge, ordered Joseph Boxhall to perform an inspection of the forward part of the ship.
Joseph Boxhall found no damage, but was later intercepted by the ship's carpenter, who informed him that the ship was taking water.
Later, it was Joseph Boxhall who calculated the Titanics position so that a distress signal could be sent out.
Joseph Boxhall rowed away from the ship for fear of being pulled down by suction.
Joseph Boxhall did not actually see the Titanic founder, as her lights had gone out and his lifeboat was about.
Joseph Boxhall was the first person to testify that he saw another vessel in proximity while Titanic sank.
Joseph Boxhall was promoted to lieutenant in the RNR on 27 May 1915.
Joseph Boxhall returned to White Star following the war in May 1919, having married Marjory Beddells two months prior.
Joseph Boxhall was a generally taciturn and quiet man, usually reluctant to speak about his experiences on the Titanic.
Joseph Boxhall's health deteriorated rapidly in the 1960s, and he was eventually hospitalised.
The last surviving deck officer of Titanic, Joseph Boxhall died of a cerebral thrombosis on 25 April 1967 at the age of 83.
Joseph Boxhall is commemorated with a green plaque on The Avenues, Kingston upon Hull.