27 Facts About Joseph Lancaster


Joseph Lancaster was an English Quaker and public education innovator.


Joseph Lancaster developed, and propagated on the grounds both of economy and efficacy, a monitorial system of primary education.


Joseph Lancaster was interested as a teenager in missionary work in Jamaica.


Joseph Lancaster is said to have run away from home, and to have been returned through naval connections of the minister Thomas Urwick.


In 1798, Joseph Lancaster founded a free elementary school, with support from his father.


Joseph Lancaster went on in 1801 to start in Borough Road, Southwark a free school using a variant of the monitorial system.


Joseph Lancaster's ideas were developed simultaneously with those of Andrew Bell in Madras whose system was referred to as the "Madras system of education".

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Joseph Lancaster wrote Improvements in Education as it Respects the Industrious Classes of the Community in 1803.


The Borough Road school called itself the Royal Free School, and Joseph Lancaster was granted an audience with George III in 1805, at Weymouth.


Joseph Lancaster, himself, travelled the British Isles to advise on his methods.


Joseph Lancaster did make a stipulation, critical in the Ulster context, that pupils should never be asked whether they belonged to "Church, Meeting, or Chapel".


Joseph Lancaster had rejected corporal punishment, but misbehaving children might find themselves tied up in sacks, or hoisted above the classroom in cages.


Joseph Lancaster fell out with the Society over a number of issues.


Joseph Lancaster still travelled the United Kingdom, lecturing and creating local organisations.


Joseph Lancaster had significant American supporters: Roberts Vaux and Robert Ralston in Philadelphia, and DeWitt Clinton in New York.


Joseph Lancaster helped to start the first model school in Philadelphia to train teachers to implement his system.


Joseph Lancaster started a school in Baltimore, but it was not financially viable.


In 1823, Joseph Lancaster encountered in Baltimore Brooke Young, a soldier with Bolivar's Irish Legion, and Young took a letter for him to Bolivar in Gran Colombia.


Joseph Lancaster stayed from 1825 to 1827 in Caracas and married there for the second time, with Bolivar presiding over the wedding.


Joseph Lancaster clashed with Robert Ker Porter, the British consul from the end of 1825, who regarded him as an imposter.


Joseph Lancaster involved himself with the Topo Valley settlers, Scots brought to the locality in 1825 by John Diston Powles and associates.


Bolivar and Joseph Lancaster fell out over non-payment of the promised sum to support the educational work.


Joseph Lancaster left Caracas covertly in April 1827, sailing first to Saint Thomas and Saint Croix, and arriving in New Haven in June.


Joseph Lancaster left his wife Mary and her children to make their own way back to Philadelphia.


Joseph Lancaster was there in 1829, and opened a school in Montreal, but his attempts to obtain funding floundered and he moved back to the United States.

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Joseph Lancaster died on 23 October 1838 in New York City from injuries sustained in a street accident.


Joseph Lancaster became a Lancasterian organiser in Mexico, dying in 1855.