26 Facts About Jules Michelet


Jules Michelet was a French historian and writer.


Jules Michelet is best known for his multivolume work Histoire de France, which traces the history of France from the earliest times to the French Revolution.


Jules Michelet is considered one of the founders of modern historiography.


Jules Michelet admired Vico's emphasis on the role of people and their customs in shaping history, which was a major departure from the emphasis on political and military leaders.


Michelet's father was a master printer and Jules assisted him in the work of the press.


Jules Michelet passed the university examination in 1821 and was appointed to a professorship of history in the College Rollin.


Jules Michelet's studies had fed his natural aversion to the principles of authority and ecclesiasticism, and at a moment when the revived activity of the Jesuits caused some pretended alarm, he was appointed to the chair of history at the College de France.


Jules Michelet published his Histoire romaine in that year, but this was in his graver and earlier manner.


The principles of the outbreak of 1848 were in the air and Jules Michelet was one of many who condensed and propagated them: his original lectures were of so incendiary a kind that the course had to be interdicted.


Jules Michelet merely devoted himself more strenuously to his literary work.


Jules Michelet was 23 years old and an author who wrote in natural history and memoirs.


Jules Michelet had been a teacher in St Petersburg before their extensive correspondence led to marriage.


Jules Michelet openly acknowledged this, although she never was given credit in his works.


In La Montagne, the last of the natural history series, the Jules Michelet uses the staccato style, which creates short and disjointed sentences, but creates tension.


Jules Michelet lived partly in France, partly in Italy, and was accustomed to spending the winter on the Riviera, chiefly at Hyeres.


Jules Michelet abhorred the Middle Ages and celebrated their end as a radical transformation.


Jules Michelet attempted to clarify how a lively Renaissance could originate from an ossified medieval culture.


Jules Michelet has several themes running throughout his works, these included the following three categories: maleficent, beneficent, and paired.


Jules Michelet, additionally, used union and unity in his discussions about national history, and natural history.


Jules Michelet was perhaps the first historian to devote himself to anything resembling a picturesque history of the Middle Ages and his account is still one of the most vivid that exists.


Jules Michelet was one of the first historians to apply these liberal principles to historical scholarship.


Uncompromisingly hostile as Jules Michelet was to the empire, its downfall in 1870 in the midst of France's defeat by Prussia and the rise and fall of the Paris Commune during the following year, once more stimulated him to activity.


Jules Michelet was a supporter of the Romanian National Awakening movements.


Jules Michelet's second wife had been a teacher in St Petersburg and was an author in the field of natural history and memoirs.


Jules Michelet had opened a correspondence with him arising from her ardent admiration of his ideas that ensued for years.


Jules Michelet accorded Athenais literary rights to his books and papers before he died, acknowledging the significant role she had in what he published during his later years.