14 Facts About Karl Gajdusek


Karl Gajdusek was born on 30 July 1968 and is an American screenwriter, producer, and playwright.


Karl Gajdusek was the showrunner for the first season of the Netflix series Stranger Things and the co-creator of the TV series Last Resort with Shawn Ryan.


Karl Gajdusek co-wrote the screenplay for the 2013 Tom Cruise movie, Oblivion, and The November Man, which was released in 2014.


Karl Gajdusek was born on 30 July 1968 in San Francisco, California, United States.


Meanwhile, Karl Gajdusek wrote a solo feature script, Pandora, redefining him as a darker dramatic writer.


Also in 2011, Karl Gajdusek began work on two projects which would shape the direction of his career.


Also in 2011, Karl Gajdusek began work on a rewrite of the Joe Kosinski directed Oblivion.

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In 2016, Karl Gajdusek sold an original science fiction epic, Courage, to 20th Century Fox where it caught the attention of director Matthew Vaughan who became attached to direct.


Karl Gajdusek landed his first job in television as a story editor on the second season of the Showtime series Dead Like Me.


In June, 2013, Karl Gajdusek began to develop a science fiction television epic, The Spark for HBO.


In 2015, Karl Gajdusek came on to the Netflix series Stranger Things as showrunner of the first season.


Karl Gajdusek's plays have been produced across the country and in New York.


Karl Gajdusek's early plays were surreal and poetic in nature while his later work turned personal and naturalistic.


Karl Gajdusek has been a member of New Dramatists in New York and The Playwright's Center in Minneapolis.