15 Facts About Kunihiko Ikuhara


Kunihiko Ikuhara, known by the nickname Ikuni, is a Japanese director, writer, artist, and music producer.


Kunihiko Ikuhara has created and collaborated on several notable anime and manga series, including Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Penguindrum, Yurikuma Arashi, and Sarazanmai.


Kunihiko Ikuhara graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design in 1985.


Kunihiko Ikuhara had much more creative control over the anime, which he directed, than he did over the manga, which was written and illustrated by Chiho Saito.


Kunihiko Ikuhara stated that he had always admired Seazer, who had enjoyed popularity during Japan's 1960s student protest movement, and felt that Seazer's work, with its themes of revolution and changing the world, was perfectly suited to Utena.


Kunihiko Ikuhara helped supervise the production of other Utena-related works, including a Sega Saturn video game and a stage musical.


Kunihiko Ikuhara supervised the production of the English dub of the Utena movie, checking the quality of the translation; he expressed strong distaste for the idea of his work being censored or changed to seem more "American", and made sure such changes were not apparent in the US release.

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In 2011, Kunihiko Ikuhara returned as an anime series director with Penguindrum, which began airing in July 2011.


Kunihiko Ikuhara is currently writing the manga Nokemono to Hanayome, illustrated by artist Asumiko Nakamura and published monthly in Japanese fashion magazine KERA.


In 2015, Kunihiko Ikuhara released Yurikuma Arashi, which consists of an anime series produced by Silver Link and a manga series illustrated by Akiko Morishima.


In 2019, Kunihiko Ikuhara released Sarazanmai; it was produced by MAPPA and Lapin Track.


On March 31,2022, Kunihiko Ikuhara announced that he was changing his name to "Bonsoir Kunihiko Ikuhara", later revealing it to be a pseudonym for Teiko Bon Bon, a music project with Bonjour Suzuki and Teiko.


Kunihiko Ikuhara has expressed interest in the possibility of collaborating on a project with David Lynch someday.


Kunihiko Ikuhara has attended several conventions and similar events, given interviews to fans and reporters, and, along with Chiho Saito, provided commentary tracks for the DVD releases of Utena.


Kunihiko Ikuhara has cosplayed as Sailor Mars on a few occasions.