10 Facts About Lady Macduff


Lady Macduff is married to Lord Macduff, the Thane of Fife.


Lady Macduff is furious at her husband for his desertion of his family.


Ross attempts to comfort her, though he offers little consolation and Lady Macduff responds with sharp retorts that betray her anger toward her husband.


Lady Macduff is left with her son, whom she speaks with, her fury toward Macduff mingling with her affection for her child.


Lady Macduff is alarmed and moments later, the scene is invaded by a group of murderers sent by Macbeth.


Lady Macduff is killed off-stage, one of several significant offstage murders in the play.


Lady Macduff's entire portrait as a character is painted in this one scene, though it is clear through her actions that she is a fiercely protective mother and a woman who is not afraid to speak out against others.


Lady Macduff asks multiple times if his wife and "pretty ones" are actually dead.


Lady Macduff is a domestic and caring figure: her scene is one of the few times when child and parent are seen together, parallel to an earlier scene between Banquo and his son Fleance.


Lady Macbeth has control over her husband's action at the beginning while Lady Macduff did not have control as Macduff just left Lady Macduff without her consultation.