17 Facts About Larry Lieber


Lawrence D Lieber is an American comic book artist and writer best known as co-creator of the Marvel Comics superheroes Iron Man, Thor, and Ant-Man; for his long stint both writing and drawing the Marvel Western Rawhide Kid; and for illustrating the newspaper comic strip The Amazing Spider-Man from 1986 to September 2018.


Larry Lieber was born in Manhattan, New York City, the second child of Romanian-Jewish immigrant parents Celia and Jack Lieber, and the brother of Stanley Martin Lieber, later known as Marvel Comics editor and impresario Stan Lee.


When he was six months old, the family moved to The Bronx, settling at 1720 University Avenue, which Lee described as a one-bedroom, "third-floor apartment facing out back", with him and Larry Lieber sharing a bedroom and his parents using a foldout couch.


Lee wrote in his autobiography that when Larry was a teenager, the boys' mother died and Lieber went to live with his brother and his sister-in-law, Joan, prompting the trio's move to Woodmere, New York, on Long Island.


Lee elsewhere described that move to a two-story, three-bedroom home at 1084 West Broadway as occurring in 1949, when Larry Lieber would have been 17 or 18.


At 17, Larry Lieber became a messenger for The New York Times and found work at the Times Square studio of Sam Furber, a letterer whose work included movie posters.


Under Stan Lee plots, Larry Lieber would go on to script the debut origin stories and other early appearances of the superheroes Thor in Journey into Mystery, Iron Man in Tales of Suspense, and Ant-Man in Tales to Astonish.

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Larry Lieber still gave me work, he didn't want to take work away, but they were putting out a few more books.


Larry Lieber scripted and occasionally drew the odd Western or Sgt.


Larry Lieber hired Lieber to be editor of the Atlas black-and-white comics-magazines, and additionally hired Warren Publishing veteran Jeff Rovin to edit the color comic-book line, which soon fell under Lieber's editorship.


Larry Lieber was putting out color comics, and he was going to put out black-and-white comics like Warren and Marvel.


In 1978, Larry Lieber began penciling and sometimes inking the new daily and Sunday comic strip The Incredible Hulk, written by Lee and syndicated by the Register and Tribune Syndicate.


In 1980 and 1981, concurrent with the Hulk strip, Larry Lieber contributed some degree of penciling on the daily and Sunday comic strip The Amazing Spider-Man until Fred Kida took over as regular penciler.


Larry Lieber then succeeded Kida on the daily strip in 1986.


Larry Lieber penciled the Sunday page again from 1990 through at least 1995.


Larry Lieber said, "Larry if you want, you can write The Hulk and draw it".


Larry Lieber was a recipient of the San Diego Comic-Con International's 2003 Inkpot Awards.