20 Facts About Lifelong learning


Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons.

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In some contexts, the term "lifelong learning" evolved from the term "life-long learners", created by Leslie Watkins and used by Professor Clint Taylor and Superintendent for the Temple City Unified School District's mission statement in 1993, the term recognizes that learning is not confined to childhood or the classroom but takes place throughout life and in a range of situations.

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The first lifelong learning institute began at The New School for Social Research in 1962 as an experiment in "learning in retirement".

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Lifelong learning has been described as a process that includes people learning in different contexts.

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However, while the Lifelong learning process can be applied to learners of all ages, there is a focus on adults who are returning to organized Lifelong learning.

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Lifelong learning focuses on holistic education and it has two dimensions, namely, lifelong and broad options for learning.

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Some authors highlight that lifelong learning is founded on a different conceptualization of knowledge and its acquisition.

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Lifelong learning is distinguished from the concept of continuing education in the sense that it has a broader scope.

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Unlike the latter, which is oriented towards adult education developed for the needs of schools and industries, this type of Lifelong learning is concerned with the development of human potential, recognizing each individual's capacity for it.

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Cognitivism, most notably Gestalt theory, speaks of Lifelong learning as making sense of the relationship between what is old and what is new.

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Some Lifelong learning is accomplished in segments or interest categories and can still be valuable to the individual and community.

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E-Lifelong learning is available at most colleges and universities or to individuals Lifelong learning independently.

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One new expression of lifelong learning is the massive open online course, in which a teacher or team offers a syllabus and some direction for the participation of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of learners.

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The concept of lifelong learning has become of vital importance with the emergence of new technologies that change how we receive and gather information, collaborate with others, and communicate.

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In India and elsewhere, the "University of the Third Age" provides an example of the almost spontaneous emergence of autonomous Lifelong learning groups accessing the expertise of their own members in the pursuit of knowledge and shared experience.

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Sometimes lifelong learning aims to provide educational opportunities outside standard educational systems—which can be cost-prohibitive, if available at all.

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The 'Academy of Lifelong Learning' is an administrative unit within the University-wide 'Professional and Continuing Studies' unit at the University of Delaware.

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Some colleges even enable adults to earn credit for the college-level Lifelong learning gained through work, volunteer and other experiences.

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In Canada, the federal government's Lifelong Learning Plan allows Canadian residents to withdraw funds from their Registered Retirement Savings Plan to help pay for lifelong learning, but the funds can only be used for formal learning programs at designated educational institutions.

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Priorities for lifelong and lifewide learning have different priorities in different countries, some placing more emphasis on economic development and some on social development.

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