10 Facts About Lucy Ayoub


Lucy Ayoub is an Israeli television presenter, poet and radio host, formerly of the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation and currently working for Keshet Media Group.


Lucy Ayoub is the daughter of an Arab-Christian father, and an Ashkenazi Jewish mother who converted to Christianity upon their marriage.


Lucy Ayoub celebrates both the Christian and Jewish holidays with different parts of her family, while personally being an atheist, saying "I'm an atheist and it means nothing to me that I was baptized [in church]".


Lucy Ayoub wrote stories and poems in both Arabic and Hebrew.


Lucy Ayoub was enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces, serving for two years as a flight simulator instructor in the Israeli Air Force.


Lucy Ayoub first gained public attention in 2016, when she read several pieces of her poetry in the framework of the Poetry Slam Israel competition.


In 2017, Lucy Ayoub began to host a weekly cultural programme on the radio station.

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Lucy Ayoub was the jury spokesperson for Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018, where her presentation caused a media reaction due to the response of the Israeli Minister of Culture and Sport, Miri Regev, who protested against the fact that Lucy Ayoub spoke Arabic during the live broadcast and did not mention Jerusalem.


Lucy Ayoub hosted the green room of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv alongside Assi Azar, whereas Erez Tal and Bar Refaeli hosted the main event.


Lucy Ayoub plays a role in the fourth season of the Netflix series Fauda.