11 Facts About Mackintosh MacKay


Mackintosh MacKay was a Scottish minister and author who served as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland in 1849.


Mackintosh MacKay edited the Highland Society's prodigious Gaelic dictionary in 1828.


Mackintosh MacKay studied at St Andrews University then at Divinity Hall in Edinburgh.


Mackintosh MacKay supplied a biography of the bard, which has given rise to much controversy.


Mackintosh MacKay was presented by George William, Duke of Argyll, August 1831 and translated and admitted to Dunoon on 19 April 1832.


Mackintosh MacKay did much in the way of providing bursaries for Highland students, and with the assistance of the Ladies' Society of the Free Church he had a number of schools established in remote parts of the Highlands and Islands.


Mackintosh MacKay was elected moderator of the Free Church General Assembly on 24 May 1849, succeeding Patrick Clason of Buccleuch Church in the role.


Mackintosh MacKay was succeeded in turn by Nathaniel Paterson in 1850.


Mackintosh MacKay was elected minister of St George's Presbyterian Church, Sydney, New South Wales, in May 1856, being responsible for its first permanent purpose-built church in 1860.


Mackintosh MacKay died at 3 Bellfield, Portobello, 17 May 1873.


Mackintosh MacKay is buried in Duddingston Kirkyard in south Edinburgh.