13 Facts About Marc Bekoff


Marc Bekoff was a professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado Boulder for 32 years.


Marc Bekoff cofounded the Jane Goodall Institute of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and he is Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado Boulder.


Marc Bekoff went on to work at the University of Colorado Boulder as the professor of organismic biology where he pursues research into ethology, animal behavior, behavioral ecology, development and evolution of behavior, social communication and organization, animal protection, cognitive ethology, animal cognition.


Marc Bekoff retired from his active professorship after 32 years and currently holds the position of Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado Boulder.


Marc Bekoff has authored, co-authored, or edited thousands of articles and over 30 books and encyclopedias.


Marc Bekoff's articles have been published in Psychology Today, The New York Times, National Geographic, Live Science, and several more.


Marc Bekoff argues that non-human animals demonstrate emotional and moral intelligences.

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Marc Bekoff has written about the grieving rituals of several different species and has recently written articles expressing his belief that non-human animals have spiritual experiences.


Marc Bekoff has been described as an activist who embodies non-aggressive means.


Marc Bekoff promotes the idea that responsible assertiveness is invariably superior to aggression.


Marc Bekoff serves on the Science Advisory Board of Project Coyote which is a national non-profit organization promoting compassionate conservation and coexistence between people and wildlife through education, science, and advocacy.


Marc Bekoff is an advocate for the compassionate conservation movement which is supported by Project Coyote.


Marc Bekoff is a patron of the Captive Animals Protection Society.