21 Facts About Massimo Fagioli


Massimo Fagioli was an Italian psychiatrist and psychotherapist.


Massimo Fagioli was born on 19 May 1931 in Monte Giberto, a commune situated near Fermo, Marche.


Massimo Fagioli graduated in medicine and surgery in Rome in 1956 and then specialised in Neuropsychiatry in Modena.


In 1957 Massimo Fagioli worked at psychiatric hospitals in Venice, where he was disappointed by the organicist practice, a methodology directly inherited from 19th century psychiatry.


In 1975 Massimo Fagioli was appointed supervisor of a psychiatrists' group, on behalf of the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of Rome, La Sapienza.


Massimo Fagioli was not interested in the patient's social identity but rather in the human dynamic that could arise in the rapport during the group-analytic setting.


Massimo Fagioli was in fact accused of manipulating Bellocchio during the making of the movie.

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Massimo Fagioli's views led him to face conflicts and inevitable clashes with political exponents.


Massimo Fagioli is the author of a large number of articles addressed and published on Lotta Continua.


Later on, Massimo Fagioli came in touch with the Italian Radical Party, through the periodical Quaderni Radicali and more specifically and personally with Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino.


In regards to this point, Massimo Fagioli observed the newborn physical condition in the first instants of life; a span of time around 20 seconds long when the baby is not breathing, the body has no muscle tensions and has apparently no reaction towards the external environment.


One of the questions that Massimo Fagioli aimed to define in the Human Birth Theory is the one concerning the physiology of mind.


Massimo Fagioli observed that newborns are completely inept at birth thus the external environment would be lethal for them without the intervention of adults.


Massimo Fagioli postulated that light stimulation determines simultaneously the beginning of human thought activity and the emergence of what he formulated as the annulment pulsion of the non-material world.


Massimo Fagioli considered vitality as a biological sensitivity developed by the foetus during the last weeks of pregnancy.


Massimo Fagioli proposed a formula able to describe and coherently embody the dynamic of human birth, human thinking and its further development.


The theoretical articulation that Massimo Fagioli expressed in these twenty-one words does not compromise his original theorisation.


Massimo Fagioli stated that a deficiency or lack of affection in the mother-newborn relationship between breast-feeding and weaning, can determine a shift of the annulment pulsion towards the external world to an annulment pulsion towards human beings.


Massimo Fagioli stated that the physiology of the mind is rooted in the ability to separate one's inner dimensions from previous type of object-relations without acting on them.


Massimo Fagioli refused the common belief that the unconscious dimension is naturally ill or animalistic.


Massimo Fagioli claimed that the possibility of curing mental illness through the interpretation of dreams becomes possible only if a non-conscious dynamic is discovered.