13 Facts About Michele Boldrin


Michele Boldrin is an Italian-born philantropist, economist, academic and former politician expert in economic growth, business cycles, technological progress and intellectual property.


Michele Boldrin did his undergraduate studies at the University of Venice.


Michele Boldrin is a research fellow at the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis since 2006.


Michele Boldrin is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, a past Associate Editor of Econometrica and Editor and Associate Editor of the Review of Economic Dynamics, among other academic journals.


Michele Boldrin wrote four books and was a visiting professor in Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Tokyo, and a number of other places.


Michele Boldrin is affiliated with CEPR and director of FEDEA.


Michele Boldrin is one of the founding editors of the Italian blog noiseFromAmerika and he contributes regularly to Against Monopoly and Nada es Gratis, which are respectively in English and Spanish.

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Michele Boldrin is a member of the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Council of Foundation IMDEA Social Sciences.


Michele Boldrin has been an outspoken critic of Modern Monetary Theory, debating with American economist Warren Mosler, as well as Italian journalist Paolo Barnard.


Michele Boldrin is critical of More Europe, the party Cappato belongs to, especially criticizing their economic plan, as well as the alliances within the party, and defined the members of the party as "sell-outs".


Michele Boldrin compared the Donald Trump-led GOP to the Italian right-wing party Lega Nord, as well as to Berlusconism.


Michele Boldrin criticized Nassim Taleb, as well as econophysics in general, debating with Italian geologist Francesco Sylos Labini, son of the Schumpeterian economist Paolo Sylos Labini.


Michele Boldrin conducts ongoing research in dynamic general equilibrium theory, focusing specifically on the sources of business fluctuations, growth and development, technological innovation, and intellectual property.