15 Facts About Mike Duncan


Robert Michael Duncan was born on 1951 and is an American politician.


Mike Duncan was chairman, president, and CEO of Inez Deposit Bank in Inez, Kentucky, which merged with First State Bank in February 2021.


Mike Duncan is a member of the Board of Governors of the US Postal Service and previously served as its chairman.


Mike Duncan is active in numerous professional and nonprofit organizations.


Mike Duncan served as chairman of a state university and serves as chairman of the board of trustees at Alice Lloyd College, a private four-year liberal arts college in Pippa Passes, Kentucky.


Mike Duncan has served as chairman for the Center for Rural Development in Somerset, Kentucky, a $30 million state-of-the-art regional center emphasizing telecommunications, training, and development.


Mike Duncan served as treasurer and general counsel of the Republican National Committee from July 10,2002, until his election as chairman.


Mike Duncan was elected to serve as the 15th chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority in May 2009 and served until May 2010, when he was replaced by banker Dennis C Bottorff.


Mike Duncan was involved in the selection of Louis DeJoy as US postmaster general amid the 2020 presidential election.


Mike Duncan is on the board of the Senate Leadership Fund, which is a super PAC tied to Mitch McConnell.


Mike Duncan served as director of the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank Cincinnati Branch.


Mike Duncan served in the Bush Administration as a member of the President's Commission on White House Fellows starting in 2001.


Mike Duncan holds degrees from the University of the Cumberlands and the University of Kentucky College of Law.


Mike Duncan received his undergraduate degree from Cumberland College.


On September 10,2012, Mike Duncan became the new president and CEO of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.