12 Facts About Mount Kilimanjaro


Mount Kilimanjaro is the fourth most topographically prominent peak on Earth.

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Volcanic interior of Mount Kilimanjaro is poorly known because there has not been any significant erosion to expose the igneous strata that comprise the volcano's structure.

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Kibo's diminishing ice cap exists because Kilimanjaro is a little-dissected, massive mountain that rises above the snow line.

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Almost 85 percent of the ice cover on Mount Kilimanjaro disappeared between October 1912 and June 2011, with coverage decreasing from 11.

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In 2013, it was estimated that, at the current rate of global warming, most of the ice on Mount Kilimanjaro will disappear by 2040 and "it is highly unlikely that any ice body will remain after 2060".

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Mount Kilimanjaro is drained by a network of rivers and streams, especially on the wetter and more heavily eroded southern side and especially above 1, 200 metres.

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Mount Kilimanjaro is attested to in numerous stories by the peoples who live in East Africa.

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Mount Kilimanjaro did recall joining a Kilimanjaro expedition involving a Dutch doctor who lived near the mountain, and that he did not wear shoes during the climb.

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Large animals are rare on Kilimanjaro and are more frequent in the forests and lower parts of the mountain.

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Tussock Grassland is an area on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro that contains many unique species of vegetation, such as the water holding cabbage.

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Climate of Kilimanjaro is influenced by the height of the mountain, which allows the simultaneous influence of the equatorial trade winds and the high altitude anti-trades, and by the isolated position of the mountain.

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Mount Kilimanjaro's summit is well above the altitude at which life-threatening high altitude pulmonary edema or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), the most severe forms of AMS, can occur.

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