13 Facts About Nicki Clyne


Nicki Clyne is a Canadian actress, known for her role as Cally Henderson on the SyFy television series Battlestar Galactica.


Nicki Clyne is known for her role as Cally Henderson in the 2003 reimagining of Battlestar Galactica.


Nicki Clyne was featured in two episodes of the podcast Tiki Bar TV, and presented an episode of HypaSpace.


Nicki Clyne hosted two seasons of Syfy's Blastr TV, covering science fiction pop culture and events.


Nicki Clyne was a member of NXIVM, a now defunct multi-level marketing large-group awareness training company founded by Keith Raniere and headquartered in Albany, New York.


Nicki Clyne was part of the remaining NXIVM members and continued to defend NXIVM and its practice.


On March 27,2023, the Frank Report published a statement from Nicki Clyne stating that she would no longer defend Keith Raniere.

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Nicki Clyne invoked her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, and was not indicted.


At Raniere's trial, cooperating witness Lauren Salzman testified that Nicki Clyne joined her in editing the recording of Sarah Edmondson's branding in a failed bid to preempt the October 2017 New York Times report.


An FBI agent's affidavit supporting asset forfeiture indicates that while Rosa Laura Junco provided funds and owned the LLC that bought the DOS Sorority House, Nicki Clyne was Managing Member of the LLC and her passport included in purchase paperwork.


In September 2020, one month before Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison, Nicki Clyne spoke out in his defence in an interview with CBS News This Morning.


Nicki Clyne appears on a number of social media outlets expressing support for causes celebres of conservatism in the United States in addition to stating Raniere's innocence.


Nicki Clyne has appeared on video in conversation with Scott Adams, Ian Miles Cheong, Destiny, and James A Lindsay.