15 Facts About Nihilism


Nihilism has been described as conspicuous in or constitutive of certain historical periods.

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Nihilism has, however, been widely ascribed to both religious and irreligious viewpoints.

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Nihilism first entered philosophical study within a discourse surrounding Kantian and post-Kantian philosophies, notably appearing in the writings of Swiss esotericist Jacob Hermann Obereit in 1787 and German philosopher Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi in 1799.

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Nihilism describes this as an anxiety caused by the false belief in an unchanging, everlasting self.

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Nihilism saw leveling as the process of suppressing individuality to a point where an individual's uniqueness becomes non-existent and nothing meaningful in one's existence can be affirmed:.

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Nihilism is often associated with the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of Western culture.

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Nihilism describes this as "an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists":.

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Nihilism approaches the problem of nihilism as deeply personal, stating that this predicament of the modern world is a problem that has "become conscious" in him.

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Nihilism wished to hasten its coming only so that he could hasten its ultimate departure.

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Nihilism rather tries to incorporate Nietzsche's thoughts into his own philosophical system of Being, Time and Dasein.

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Nihilism is one of the main topics of Deleuze's early book Nietzsche and Philosophy.

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Nihilism thus defined is therefore not the denial of higher values, or the denial of meaning, but rather the depreciation of life in the name of such higher values or meaning.

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Nihilism then goes on to define the postmodern condition as characterized by a rejection both of these meta-narratives and of the process of legitimation by meta-narratives.

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Nihilism stuck mainly to topics of interpretations of the real world over the simulations of which the real world is composed.

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Nihilism found his nihilistic ways challenged upon falling in love.

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