15 Facts About Nina Graboi


Nina Graboi was a Holocaust survivor, artist, writer, spiritual seeker, philosopher, and influential figure in the sixties psychedelic movement.


Nina Graboi worked closely with Jean Houston, Abraham Maslow, Stanley Krippner, and Alan Watts.


Dissatisfied with her life in Long Island as a society hostess, in the 1950s Nina Graboi plunged into the study of esoteric subjects and became an avid practitioner of meditation, while running a successful theater group.


Nina Graboi realized there was more to these drugs than the media had let people know, and it was the first time she had heard of an experiment with exceptional states of consciousness.


In early 1965, Nina Graboi went to a seminar given by a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, and joined a weekly spiritual group led by Virginia Glenn with participants Stanley Krippner, Jean Houston, and Ida Rolf.


Nina Graboi's breakthrough came in 1966 at age 47 at Millbrook, Timothy Leary's and Richard Alpert's communal estate in upstate New York, after she left her husband.


Nina Graboi frequently spent time at Millbrook with a group gathered around Leary and Alpert to study the mind-expanding effects of LSD.


Nina Graboi co-founded the Center for the League of Spiritual Discovery in a Greenwich Village storefront with Leary in September 1966, and became its director after Leary asked Nina Graboi to head it.


Nina Graboi accepted the position as director to disseminate information about the use and misuse of psychedelics, in order to minimize their ill effects.


Leary, Alpert, and Nina Graboi gave free weekly talks at the center and at other Manhattan locations in 1967.


In 1969 Nina Graboi moved to Woodstock, a few months before the Woodstock festival, and opened a boutique where she sold her crafts.


Nina Graboi founded the Woodstock Transformation Center, and taught New Age-related classes.


Nina Graboi moved to Santa Cruz, California in 1979, where she worked for University of California, Santa Cruz mathematics professor Ralph Abraham.


Nina Graboi gave talks in Santa Cruz and at conferences on the relationship between the psychedelic experience and the spiritual quest.


Nina Graboi wrote her autobiography, One Foot in the Future, in 1991.