11 Facts About Paul Deussen


Paul Jakob Deussen was a German Indologist and professor of philosophy at University of Kiel.


Strongly influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer, Deussen was a friend of Friedrich Nietzsche and Swami Vivekananda.


Professor Paul Deussen was the first editor, in 1912, of the scholarly journal Schopenhauer Yearbook.


Paul Deussen was born on 7 January 1845 in Oberdreis, Neuwied in the Rhine Province, one of eight children of a clergyman of modest means.


Paul Deussen became a student, and lifelong devotee, of the German philosopher Schopenhauer, and of the philosophy of Kant; and he became a friend of Friedrich Nietzsche.


Paul Deussen was educated at Bonn, Tubingen and Berlin Universities between 1864 and 1881, writing his dissertation on Plato's philosophy.


Paul Deussen was appointed Privatdocent and Extraordinarius at the university of Berlin, and Ordinarius, at the University of Kiel.


Until 1919, Paul Deussen continued to edit the Schopenhauer Yearbook, as well as working on an edition of Schopenhauer's works.


Paul Deussen's visit to India in 1904 was published in English as My Indian Reminiscences in 1912.


Paul Deussen's scholarship has been described as immense, perceptive, and meticulous.


Paul Deussen's name is thus linked with George Boucher, Sir William Jones and Sir John Woodroffe in British India, Anquetil-Duperron and Eugene Burnouf in France, Heinrich Roth, Franz Bopp, Friedrich von Schlegel and Max Muller in Germany, in the European revelation of the wealth of Hinduism as revealed by Sanskrit documents.