13 Facts About Peta Murphy


Peta Jan Murphy was born on 1 November 1973 and is an Australian politician who has been a member of the House of Representatives since the 2019 federal election.


Peta Murphy is a member of the Australian Labor Party and represents the Division of Dunkley in Victoria.


Peta Murphy is a member of the House of Representatives Social and Legal Affairs Committee, the House of Representative Economics Committee and the House of Representatives Select Selection Committee.


Peta Murphy is an advocate for breast screening and early diagnosis of cancer and in her maiden speech spoke of her commitment to healthcare and creating employment opportunities in Melbourne's outer suburbs.


Since her maiden speech, Peta Murphy has worked with the Breast Cancer Network of Australia to promote better treatment and understanding of cancer.


Peta Murphy was re-elected with an increased margin at the 2022 Australian federal election.


Peta Murphy was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 at the age of 37.


Peta Murphy received a new breast cancer diagnosis a few days after being sworn in to parliament in July 2019.


Peta Murphy has played softball in the National League and represented NSW, ACT, Victoria and the Mornington Peninsula at the junior and senior level for squash.


Peta Murphy is a past winner of the Australian 35+y Masters Squash, the US 35+y Masters Squash and the gold medal winner at the World Masters Games for 35+ years squash.


Peta Murphy is a previous President of Squash Victoria, Vice President of Squash Australia and member of the World Squash Federation Governance and Audit Committee.


Peta Murphy has served on the board of local Community Legal Centres, Peninsula Health and the Peninsula Waves.


Peta Murphy is the current Patron of the Frankston City Bowls Club and the Frankston Vietnam Veterans Association.