10 Facts About Peter Irons


Peter Irons has written many books on the US Supreme Court and constitutional litigation.


Peter Irons embarked on his current path in 1963 when he was sentenced to three years imprisonment at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut for refusing military induction on the ground that the Federal government perpetuated racial discrimination.


Peter Irons's conviction was ultimately reversed by a federal judge on the ground of prosecutorial misconduct.


Peter Irons was chosen in 1988 as the first Raoul Wallenberg Distinguished Visiting Professor of Human Rights at Rutgers University.


Peter Irons has lectured on constitutional law and civil liberties at the law schools of Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Stanford, and more than 20 other schools.


Peter Irons was elected to two terms on the national board of the American Civil Liberties Union.


Peter Irons is an Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego and an author on legal history.


Peter Irons retired from the university in 2004 and now devotes some of his time to causes that interest him.


Peter Irons has undertaken some legal work in issues of the separation of church and state and written some articles for the Montana Law Review.


Peter Irons discontinued his involvement in the case in 1998 when threats made him fear for the safety of his two daughters.