12 Facts About Peter Minuit


Peter Minuit was a Wallonian merchant from Tournai, in present-day Belgium.


Peter Minuit was the 3rd Director of the Dutch North American colony of New Netherland from 1626 until 1631, and 3rd Governor of New Netherland.


Peter Minuit founded the Swedish colony of New Sweden on the Delaware Peninsula in 1638.


Peter Minuit was born in Wesel, Germany between 1580 and 1585 into a Calvinist family that had moved from the city of Tournai in the Southern Netherlands controlled by Spain, in order to avoid Spanish Catholic authorities, who were not favorably disposed toward Protestants.


Peter Minuit had a good reputation in Wesel, attested by the fact that he was several times appointed a guardian.


Gertrude was from a wealthy family and she probably helped Peter Minuit establish himself as a broker.


Peter Minuit joined the Dutch West India Company, probably in the mid-1620s, and was sent with his family to New Netherland in 1625 to search for tradable goods other than the animal pelts that then were the major product coming from New Netherland.


Peter Minuit returned in the same year, and in 1626 was appointed the new director of New Netherland, taking over from Willem Verhulst.


Peter Minuit is credited with purchasing the island of Manhattan from Native Americans in exchange for traded goods valued at 60 guilders.


Peter Minuit conducted politics in a measure of democracy in the colony during his time in New Netherland.


Peter Minuit was highest judge in the colony, but in both civil and criminal affairs he was assisted by a council of five colonists.


The losses suffered, such as goods and Peter Minuit, caused irreversible damage to Sweden's colonization attempts.