13 Facts About Peter Siebold


Peter Siebold was born on 1971 and is a member of the Scaled Composites astronaut team.


Peter Siebold is their Director of Flight Operations, and was one of the test pilots for SpaceShipOne and SpaceShipTwo, the experimental spaceplanes developed by the company.


Peter Siebold has been a design engineer at Scaled Composites since 1996.


Peter Siebold holds a degree in aerospace engineering from California Polytechnic University at San Luis Obispo, from 2001.


Peter Siebold was responsible for the simulator, navigation system, and ground control system for the SpaceShipOne project at Scaled.


Peter Siebold was the pilot who flew the White Knight Two on its maiden flight on December 21,2008.


Peter Siebold won the Iven C Kincheloe Award a second time in 2009, this time individually, for his work on the first WhiteKnightTwo, VMS Eve, as chief test pilot.


On October 31,2014, Peter Siebold was one of the two pilots flying the Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo, VSS Enterprise, along with Michael Alsbury, on a test flight, which suffered an anomaly, resulting in the death of Alsbury and loss of Enterprise.


Peter Siebold's parachute deployed automatically at about 20,000 feet, and, after landing, he was taken to the hospital for treatment.


Peter Siebold was unable to keep his eyes open and he did not open his right eye until emergency personnel arrived.


Peter Siebold experienced a non-compound four-part fracture of his right humerus.


Peter Siebold did not recall any bruising on his left side.


Peter Siebold was diagnosed with corneal scratches and doctors removed a piece of fiberglass from his left eye during a hospital stay.