18 Facts About Phillip Jensen


Phillip David Jensen was born on 1945 and is an Australian cleric of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney and the former Dean of St Andrew's Cathedral.


Phillip Jensen is the brother of Peter Jensen, the former Anglican Archbishop of Sydney.


Phillip Jensen studied theology at Moore Theological College from 1967 to 1970 and won the Hey Sharp prize for coming first in the Licenciate of Theology, the standard course of study at that time.


Phillip Jensen became Anglican chaplain to the University of New South Wales in 1975 and Rector of St Matthias' Centennial Park in 1977.


Phillip Jensen based his university ministry around expository preaching and "walk-up evangelism".


Phillip Jensen founded the Australian Christian publishing house Matthias Media to allow the publication of Christian literature by Australian authors.


From 1974 to 1991 Phillip Jensen led the reinvigoration of the Katoomba Christian Convention.


Phillip Jensen authored the Two Ways To Live gospel tract and founded The Briefing.


Phillip Jensen has been involved in the establishment of some independent evangelical churches and facilitated links between them and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.


On 6 July 2014 Phillip Jensen announced to the congregations of the cathedral that he would be resigning as the dean and leaving at the end of 2014.


Phillip Jensen has spoken publicly against secularism, syncretism, intellectual relativism, gambling and same-sex relationships He is an opponent of the ordination of women to the priesthood and episcopate within the Anglican Church of Australia.


In 2004, Phillip Jensen gave a speech against liberal Christian views of homosexuality, referring to "theological prostitution" after paraphrasing the liberal views of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury.


The publication of the comment, accusing Phillip Jensen of challenging Williams, drew ire from the secular media and Anglican commentators in the United Kingdom and Australia.


Phillip Jensen responded to the criticism by confirming that he called for Williams to resign but suggested that he had been "grossly misrepresented" by The Guardian and later saying that the secular media is biased against Christians.


Phillip Jensen has offered opinions on the future structure and functioning of the Anglican Communion in response to the ordination of non-celibate gay people to the episcopacy, calling on bishops to refuse to attend the Lambeth Conference.


Phillip Jensen has defended his changes in the cathedral's style of worship on the grounds of attempting to broaden the demographic of the congregation.


Phillip Jensen has stated that the cathedral choir continues to play an active role in the life of the cathedral, though others point out that its opportunities for performance have been much diminished, a conflict which led to the departure of the previous music director, Michael Deasey.


Peter Phillip Jensen appointed his own wife, Christine Phillip Jensen, to an official position in the diocese, leading to accusations of nepotism.