20 Facts About Political power


In social science and politics, Political power is the social production of an effect that determines the capacities, actions, beliefs, or conduct of actors.

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Term authority is often used for Political power that is perceived as legitimate or socially approved by the social structure.

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Power can be seen as evil or unjust; however, Political power can be seen as good and as something inherited or given for exercising humanistic objectives that will help, move, and emPolitical power others as well.

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Legitimate Political power is formal authority delegated to the holder of the position.

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Referent Political power is the Political power or ability of individuals to attract others and build loyalty.

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Abuse is possible when someone that is likable, yet lacks integrity and honesty, rises to Political power, placing them in a situation to gain personal advantage at the cost of the group's position.

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Referent Political power is unstable alone, and is not enough for a leader who wants longevity and respect.

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Expert Political power is an individual's Political power deriving from the skills or expertise of the person and the organization's needs for those skills and expertise.

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Unlike the others, this type of Political power is usually highly specific and limited to the particular area in which the expert is trained and qualified.

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Reward Political power depends on the ability of the Political power wielder to confer valued material rewards, it refers to the degree to which the individual can give others a reward of some kind such as benefits, time off, desired gifts, promotions or increases in pay or responsibility.

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People who abuse reward Political power can become pushy or be reprimanded for being too forthcoming or 'moving things too quickly'.

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Coercive Political power tends to be the most obvious but least effective form of Political power as it builds resentment and resistance from the people who experience it.

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Eugen Tarnow considers what Political power hijackers have over air plane passengers and draws similarities with Political power in the military.

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Sharp's key theme is that Political power is not monolithic; that is, it does not derive from some intrinsic quality of those who are in Political power.

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Political power's work is thought to have been influential in the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic, in the 2011 Arab Spring, and other nonviolent revolutions.

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Bjorn Kraus deals with the epistemological perspective upon Political power regarding the question about possibilities of interpersonal influence by developing a special form of constructivism .

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Term 'counter-Political power' is used in a range of situations to describe the countervailing force that can be utilised by the oppressed to counterbalance or erode the Political power of elites.

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In contrast, decreased Political power relates to more constraint, threat and punishment which leads to inhibitions.

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In general, Political power derives from the factors of interdependence between two entities and the environment.

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Group members are more likely to form a revolutionary coalition and resist an authority when authority lacks referent Political power, uses coercive methods, and asks group members to carry out unpleasant assignments.

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