10 Facts About Political repression


Political repression is the act of a state entity controlling a citizenry by force for political reasons, particularly for the purpose of restricting or preventing the citizenry's ability to take part in the political life of a society, thereby reducing their standing among their fellow citizens.

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Political repression can be reinforced by means outside of written policy, such as by public and private media ownership and by self-censorship within the public.

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Systemic and violent political repression is a typical feature of dictatorships, totalitarian states and similar regimes.

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In some states, "Political repression" can be an official term used in legislation or the names of government institutions.

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Political repression believes the most neutral terms are repression and mass killings, although in Russian the broad concept of repression is commonly held to include mass killings and is sometimes assumed to be synonymous with it, which is not the case in other languages.

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State Political repression subsequently affects dissident mobilization, though the direction of this effect is still an open question.

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Some strong evidence suggests that Political repression suppresses dissident mobilization by reducing the capacity of challengers to organize, yet it is feasible that challengers can leverage state repressive behavior to spur mobilization among sympathizers by framing Political repression as a new grievance against the state.

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Political repression is often accompanied by violence, which might be legal or illegal according to domestic law.

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When political repression is sanctioned and organized by the state, situations of state terrorism, genocide and crimes against humanity can be reached.

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Systematic and violent political repression is a typical feature of dictatorships, totalitarianisms and similar regimes.

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