10 Facts About Polypterus


Polypterus is a genus of freshwater fish in the bichir family of order Polypteriformes.

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Polypterus is the only known vertebrate to have lungs, but no trachea.

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Polypterus was discovered, described, and named in 1802 by Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire.

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Polypterus placed Polypterus and Calamoichthys within this order, allocating them to a new tribe, Polypterini, which he created especially for them.

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Polypterus finally succeeded in 1903, but died of blackwater fever shortly after his return to England.

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Polypterus left excellent samples and drawings, but his only writing was a diary.

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Consequently, his results on Polypterus were written up and published by his friend John Graham Kerr.

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Goodrich reported to the British Association the then current state of evidence 'against' Polypterus being a crossopterygian, placing it within the palaeoniscids, the most primitive actinopterygians.

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Shortly after Arnoult's success, a second species, Polypterus ornatipinnis, was spawned by Armbrust for the first time and bred subsequently by Azuma in 1986; Wolf, 1992; Bartsch and Britz, 1996.

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In 2014 researchers at McGill University turned to Polypterus to help show what might have happened when fish first attempted to walk out of the water.

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