11 Facts About Process mining


Process mining is a family of techniques relating the fields of data science and process management to support the analysis of operational processes based on event logs.

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Process mining is an integral part of data science, fueled by the availability of event data and the desire to improve processes.

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Process mining provides novel insights that can be used to identify the executional path taken by operational processes and address their performance and compliance problems.

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Process mining uses these event data to answer a variety of process-related questions.

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Process mining techniques are often used when no formal description of the process can be obtained by other approaches, or when the quality of existing documentation is questionable.

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Process mining is different from mainstream machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence techniques.

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For example, process discovery techniques in the field of process mining try to discover end-to-end process models that are able to describe sequential, choice relation, concurrent and loop behavior.

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However, process mining can be used to generate machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence problems.

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Term "Process mining" was first coined in a research proposal written by the Dutch computer scientist Wil van der Aalst.

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Process mining should be viewed as a bridge between data science and process science.

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Process mining focuses on transforming event log into a meaningful representation of the process which can lead to the formation of several data science and machine learning related problems.

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