14 Facts About Ravi Batra


Raveendra Nath "Ravi" Batra was born on June 27,1943 and is an Indian-American economist, author, and professor at Southern Methodist University.


Ravi Batra has appeared on CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, and CNBC, and has been profiled in The New York Times, Time, and Newsweek.


Since the financial crisis, Ravi Batra has been a frequent guest on radio shows and featured in numerous publications.


Ravi Batra became assistant professor of economics at the University of Western Ontario in 1969.


Ravi Batra moved to Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, in 1970 to become assistant professor of economics.


Ravi Batra thinks such a scenario in the future will refocus the social motivity, away from acquisition of money to a mastery of technology and physical bravery including the conquest of space, heralding a new age of commanders in the West.


Ravi Batra is the author of six international bestsellers, two of which appeared on The New York Times list.


Ravi Batra predicted a full scale depression in the US in 1990; it did not happen.


Ravi Batra's reputation rose in Europe on account of his correct prediction for the downfall of communism when he was awarded the Medal of the Italian Senate in 1990.


Ravi Batra continued to publish bestselling works in Japan with economic malaise lasting until the early 2000s.


In 1993, Ravi Batra received the Ig Nobel Prize in economics.


In 1993, Ravi Batra published The Myth of Free Trade: The Pooring of America in which he argued that free trade has enabled the rich to become richer but most people became poorer.


Ravi Batra predicted that NAFTA would create unemployment in Mexico and lower wages in America.


Ravi Batra urged the breakup of large firms, a raise in tariffs, and a drastic cut in defense spending to turn the country around.