12 Facts About Rebecca Otto


Rebecca Otto was born on July 9,1963 and is an American politician who served as State Auditor of Minnesota from 2007 to 2019.


Rebecca Otto is the third woman to serve as State Auditor, the first female Democrat to be elected to the post, the first Democrat ever to be reelected, and the first woman to be elected to a third term.


Rebecca Otto led a successful school levy campaign in Forest Lake, and then was elected to the Forest Lake School Board.


Rebecca Otto said the charges, derived from a complaint filed by Republican House Speaker Steve Sviggum, were politically motivated and baseless.


Rebecca Otto's supporters included former Republican Governor Arne Carlson, who signed a letter criticizing the indictment as politically motivated and raised money for her defense.


In March 2005 Rebecca Otto declared her candidacy for State Auditor.


Rebecca Otto won the DFL endorsement to run against Republican incumbent Patricia Anderson.


In 2010, Rebecca Otto was reelected to a second term in a rematch against Anderson by 25,483 votes.


In January 2017, Rebecca Otto announced her intention to seek the DFL nomination in the 2018 election for Governor of Minnesota.


Rebecca Otto's candidacy attracted international attention for its carbon fee and dividend policy to mitigate global warming.


In May 2018, Rebecca Otto chose running mate Zarina Baber, an IT professional.


At the June 2018 state DFL convention, Rebecca Otto did not receive the party's endorsement.