16 Facts About Richard Alley


Richard Blane Alley was born on 18 August 1957 and is an American geologist and Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences at Pennsylvania State University.


In 1999, Richard Alley was invited to testify about climate change by Vice President Al Gore, in 2003 by the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and before the US House Committee on Science and Technology in 2007 and again in 2010.


Richard Alley has written several papers in the journals Nature and Science, and chaired the National Research Council on Abrupt Climate Change.


Richard Alley has appeared in numerous climate change-related television documentaries and has given many public presentations and media interviews about the subject.


Richard Alley gave the Bjerknes lecture to the 2009 American Geophysical Union meeting titled "The biggest control knob- Carbon Dioxide in Earth's climate history".


In 2008 Richard Alley was elected to the National Academy of Sciences.


Richard Alley was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2010.


Richard Alley was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in the same year, his nomination reads:.


Richard Alley has made outstanding contributions to the study of ice, its interactions with the landscape and its link to climate.


Richard Alley has made important advances in topics as diverse as grain-scale physics controlling ice deformation, the role and nature of ice streams, and processes at the bed of the ice sheet.


Richard Alley's work synthesised the evidence that abrupt climate changes occurred in the past, and drove hypotheses about their cause and the role of ice on ocean circulation.


Richard Alley is an outstanding science communicator, whose skill and enthusiasm has influenced both policymakers and large public audiences.


Richard Alley is the 2017 recipient of the Wollaston Medal, which is the highest award given by the Geological Society of London.


In 2018, Richard Alley was named the recipient of the Roy Chapman Andrews Society Distinguished Explorer Award.


Richard Alley was chosen primarily because of his discoveries advancing the understanding of rapid climate change and the stability of polar climates.


Richard Alley has appeared in episodes of the History Channel series Mega Disasters.