10 Facts About Richard Hittleman


Richard Hittleman was an American Yoga teacher and author who taught Hatha and Raja Yoga through one of the first Yoga television series, Yoga for Health.


Richard Lowell Hittleman was born at New York on 7 March 1927, the son of Hittleman and Fillet.


Richard Hittleman had an interest in Zen Buddhism, and Buddhism generally.


Richard Hittleman is said to have been working with his daughter on a re-interpretation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead at the time of his death.


Richard Hittleman's chief teaching was that ultimately all is only divine self and that this was present in all people, to be realized through meditation and other yoga techniques.


Richard Hittleman specialized in introducing Yoga in an easy-to-follow fashion to those who were new to the subject.


Richard Hittleman was most active in the 1960s and 1970s.


Richard Hittleman's method was to start with the most elementary Hatha Yoga postures and gradually bring the student into more advanced physical asanas and the more profound Yoga philosophy of Advaita Vedanta.


Richard Hittleman wrote numerous popular books on Hatha Yoga, and several covering Yoga philosophy.


Richard Hittleman died of prostate cancer on 14 October 1991 at Santa Cruz.