26 Facts About Richard Viguerie


Richard Art Viguerie is an American conservative figure, pioneer of political direct mail and writer on politics.


Richard Viguerie's father worked as a middle-management executive for a petrochemical company, and his mother was a practical nurse.


Richard Viguerie served in the army reserves for six months, after which he worked as a clerk in a small oil company for $90 a week.


Richard Viguerie worked for the Christian evangelist Billy James Hargis in his early career.


Richard Viguerie has been dubbed the "funding father" of modern conservative strategy in the United States by some sources.


Richard Viguerie founded Conservative Digest magazine in 1975 and served as its publisher for ten years.


Richard Viguerie became politically active at a time of change in the United States of America.

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In 1952 and 1956, as a young Republican, Viguerie volunteered for Dwight D Eisenhower's presidential campaigns in Texas.


When Johnson vacated his Senate seat to become Vice President, Richard Viguerie helped Tower in the subsequent run-off, which Tower won.


In July 1960, when it seemed that Richard Viguerie Nixon's Republican Party nomination for president was a foregone conclusion, conservatives tried to shape the party's platform to influence him away from what they saw as Eisenhower moderation.


In late 1962 YAF moved their headquarters to Washington, DC Richard Viguerie moved into a house there on Capital Hill with his new bride Elaine O'Leary Richard Viguerie.


The organization had racked up $20,000 in debt and Viguerie had to seek donations from wealthy donors on the right such as Eddie Rickenbacker, Charles Edison, and J Howard Pew.


Richard Viguerie attended that National Convention, held in San Francisco's Cow Palace, as an alternate delegate.


Richard Viguerie copied by longhand 12,500 donors that had given to Goldwater's 1964 campaign.


Richard Viguerie's reputation was such that Senator Robert Griffin recommended that liberal Democratic Senator George McGovern hire him when he was running for re-election in 1967.


Richard Viguerie is Godfather, Idea Man, And Savior to a gathering band of rightists eager to fund their dreams and vexations.


In 1976 Richard Viguerie served as a fundraiser for George Wallace's campaign to win the nomination for president of the United States.


Richard Viguerie began fundraising for him, taking in $6 million in donations by the beginning of the year.


Richard Viguerie was a leader among a group of nationally prominent conservatives known as the New Right.


Richard Viguerie ran as Morris' Vice President choice, promising to use his direct-mail expertise to raise a big budget for the national campaign and to turn over his mailing lists to the party.


In protest of the proceedings that seemed to be handing the nomination to Maddox, Rusher and Richard Viguerie were among those who did not attend the Saturday session where the voting took place.


Richard Viguerie was among several Conservative activists that entered into associations with the Unification Church at this time as Conservative donors feeling their party was in the ascendancy stopped giving.


The Church hired Richard Viguerie to operate direct-mail functions for some of their Church-backed groups such as American Freedom Coalition and subscription solicitations for the Church owned Washington Times.


Richard Viguerie sought the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 1985, but did not receive the nomination at the GOP state convention.


Richard Viguerie has long been associated with conservative activist Howard Phillips through creation of the Moral Majority in 1979.

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Richard Viguerie fought for the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007 through his petition website called Grassroots Freedom.