15 Facts About Robert Eggers


Robert Houston Eggers was born on July 7,1983 and is an American filmmaker and production designer.


Robert Eggers is best known for writing and directing the historical horror films The Witch and The Lighthouse, as well as directing and co-writing the historical fiction epic film The Northman.


Robert Eggers's films are noted for their folkloric and mythological elements, as well as his thorough efforts to ensure historical authenticity.


Robert Eggers moved to New York City in 2001 to attend the American Musical and Dramatic Academy.


Robert Eggers was inspired by his childhood in New England and frequently visited the Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts, while writing his first feature.


Robert Eggers began his career as a designer and director of theatre productions in New York before transitioning to working in film.


In 2015, Robert Eggers made his directorial debut with horror film The Witch, based on his own script and starring Anya Taylor-Joy.


In 2022, Robert Eggers's Amleth-inspired Viking epic film The Northman was released, starring Alexander Skarsgard, Nicole Kidman, Anya Taylor-Joy, Ethan Hawke, Bjork, and Willem Dafoe.


In July 2015, it was reported that Robert Eggers would write and direct a remake of the 1922 silent film Nosferatu, based on the Dracula mythology.


Robert Eggers credited this as the event that inspired him to pursue a career in filmmaking.


Robert Eggers eventually opted to delay his version of the film, going on to direct The Lighthouse and The Northman first.


Robert Eggers is currently developing a miniseries based on the life of Rasputin.


Robert Eggers developed a medieval film called The Knight, that was ultimately not produced.


Robert Eggers is married to Dr Alexandra Shaker, a clinical psychologist whom he has known since childhood.


Robert Eggers has cited the 1922 German Expressionist horror film Nosferatu and 1983 documentary From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga as his biggest influences on becoming a filmmaker.