14 Facts About Roger Zelazny


Roger Joseph Zelazny was an American poet and writer of fantasy and science fiction short stories and novels, best known for The Chronicles of Amber.


Roger Zelazny won the Nebula Award three times and the Hugo Award six times, including two Hugos for novels: the serialized novel.


Roger Zelazny deliberately progressed from short-shorts to novelettes to novellas and finally to novel-length works by 1965.


Roger Zelazny's first story to attract major attention was "A Rose for Ecclesiastes", published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, with cover art by Hannes Bok.


Roger Zelazny died in 1995, aged 58, of kidney failure secondary to colorectal cancer.


Roger Zelazny was married twice, first to Sharon Steberl in 1964, and then to Judith Alene Callahan in 1966.


Roger Zelazny died in Santa Fe on June 16,1995, of kidney failure associated with cancer.

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Roger Zelazny included many anachronisms, such as cigarette-smoking and references to modern drama, in his work.


Roger Zelazny became expert with the epee in college, and thus began a lifelong study of several different martial arts, including judo, aikido, t'ai chi, and pa kua.


Roger Zelazny was a passionate cigarette and pipe smoker, so much so, that he made many of his protagonists heavy smokers as well.


Roger Zelazny tended to write a short fragment, not intended for publication, as a kind of backstory for a major character, as a way of giving that character a life independent of the particular novel being worked on.


Many of Roger Zelazny's works explore variations upon the idea that if there exists an infinite number of worlds, then every world that can be imagined must exist, somewhere.


Neil Gaiman said Roger Zelazny was the author who influenced him the most, with this influence particularly seen in Gaiman's literary style and the topics he writes about.


The anthology Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny, edited by Martin H Greenberg, was released in 1998 and featured essays and stories in honor of Zelazny by Walter Jon Williams, Jack Williamson, John Varley, Gaiman, Gregory Benford and many other authors.