11 Facts About Roman Seleznev


Roman Seleznev's activities are estimated to have caused more than $169 million in damages to businesses and financial institutions.


Roman Seleznev was arrested on July 5,2014, and was sentenced to 27 years in prison for wire fraud, intentional damage to a protected computer, and identity theft.


Roman Seleznev is the son of Valery Roman Seleznev, a member of Russia's Duma.


Roman Seleznev began his activities in early 2003 on the credit card fraud site CarderPlanet, providing paid Social Security numbers and criminal-history research using stolen LexisNexis accurint.


Roman Seleznev contacted BadB, another hacker, to gain more experience in exploiting financial systems.


Roman Seleznev became dissatisfied with Horohorin, and decided to begin his own credit-card-dump operation using the nickname nCuX.


Roman Seleznev expanded his operations in 2008 from scanning MSRDP with default passwords to developing sophisticated malware which could intercept network traffic and search network shares, distributing it through flaws in Internet browsers by injecting malicious code into advertising traffic.


Roman Seleznev bought advertising space in the "Dumps" section of the illegal carding forum carder.


On May 19,2017, Roman Seleznev faced charges in Atlanta and Nevada; he pled guilty that September to conspiracy to commit bank fraud, and was sentenced to 14 years in prison in November.


Roman Seleznev is currently being held at the medium security prison FCI Butner in North Carolina, after being transferred from USP Atlanta in 2018.


Roman Seleznev requested to be transferred to FCI Butner due to the prison's good living conditions and hospital.