10 Facts About Rona Barrett


Rona Barrett was born on Rona Burstein, October 8,1936 and is an American gossip columnist and businesswoman.


Rona Barrett became a gossip columnist for the Bell-McClure Syndicate in 1957, and soon went to work for Bob Marcucci, the manager for teen idols Frankie Avalon and Fabian.


Rona Barrett could be seen on TV regularly, appearing on ABC's five owned and operated stations around the country.


Rona Barrett made Frank Sinatra's enemies list by criticizing his personal life, particularly his relationships with his children.


Rona Barrett angered actor Ryan O'Neal after she wrote some unflattering things about him.


Rona Barrett developed the first in-depth personal TV specials about film, television, music, sports and political celebrities, and she had a series of magazines on the entertainment industry that were top-rated at newsstands, including Rona Barrett's Hollywood: Nothing but the Truth, published by Laufer Media.


Rona Barrett appeared on Jack Paar Tonite, where she clashed with Clement Freud.


Rona Barrett attempted other projects at NBC that either were rejected by the network as too costly or which, in the case of Television: Inside and Out, were relegated to poor timeslots.


Rona Barrett follows a model of using celebrity-branded consumer goods to generate funds and raise awareness of a non-profit cause.


Rona Barrett was married to Bill Trowbridge from September 22,1973 until their divorce on October 19,1982.