18 Facts About Ruchir Sharma


Ruchir Sharma is an investor, author, fund manager and columnist for the Financial Times.


Ruchir Sharma is the head of Rockefeller Capital Management's international business, and was an emerging markets investor at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.


Ruchir Sharma did his undergraduate studies at the Shri Ram College of Commerce in New Delhi, and afterward joined a securities trading company, and in 1991 he launched a column called For Ex, first for The Observer, later for The Economic Times of India.


Ruchir Sharma's writings attracted the attention of Morgan Stanley, which hired him in its Mumbai office in 1996.


Ruchir Sharma defined "breakout nations" as those poised to grow faster than rivals in their own income class.


Ruchir Sharma used his travels as the basis for many of his opinion columns, first published in The Economic Times, later in Newsweek International, The Wall Street Journal and other global media.


Ruchir Sharma's work has appeared in Foreign Affairs, The Washington Post, Time, Foreign Policy, Forbes, and The Bloomberg View, among others.


From 2016 to early 2021 Ruchir Sharma was a contributing opinion writer on global economics and politics for the New York Times, and he is currently a contributing editor at the Financial Times.


Ruchir Sharma cited five key factors pointing to a US comeback, all related to the superior flexibility of the US system, compared to its peers.


In "The Comeback Nation," a long essay for Foreign Affairs in March that year ["The Comeback Nation," Foreign Affairs March 31,2020], Ruchir Sharma pointed out that the United States had seen its share of global GDP expand over the previous decade, restoring its reputation as an economic superpower.


Ruchir Sharma's message remained the same: don't believe the rosy straight-line forecasts, don't expect another golden decade for America.


Four years later, in the NY Times ["How Technology Saved China's Economy" Jan 20,2020] Ruchir Sharma pointed out that growth had in fact slowed sharply, from double digits to 6 percent and even slower by private estimates, weighed down as he had expected by demographics, debt, and economic maturity.


Ruchir Sharma has written that to break out, India needs to develop a stronger, more sustained will to reform, as East Asian success stories have in the past.


Ruchir Sharma has made the case that India is less a country than a continent, with more different states, communities and languages than the European Union [India's States of Excellence, Time, May 20,2013].


Ruchir Sharma writes that while he grew up hoping for a Ronald Reagan-type reformer, he has grown to accept that India's political DNA is fundamentally socialist and statist, and that this basic outlook defines the worldview of all the leading parties.


Ruchir Sharma has told interviewers his passions are politics, films, and sprinting.


Ruchir Sharma says he tries to train as a sprinter 6 days a week, whether traveling or not.


Ruchir Sharma is single and lives in The New York City.