10 Facts About Rudolf Heinze


Karl Rudolf Heinze was a German jurist and politician.


Karl Rudolf Heinze was born on 22 July 1865 in Oldenburg in what was then the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg as the son of Max Heinze, a professor of the history of philosophy.


Rudolf Heinze attended the Gymnasium in Basel and Leipzig from 1874 to 1881.


Rudolf Heinze then joined the Reichsanwaltschaft, the prosecution at the Reichsgericht in Leipzig.


Rudolf Heinze began his political career in 1899, when he became a Stadtverordneter at Leipzig.


From July to November 1918, Rudolf Heinze was Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Saxony and briefly the last Ministerprasident of the King of Saxony.


In June 1919, Rudolf Heinze played a key role in making possible a compromise between the opposition and the government on the Treaty of Versailles, paving the way to its acceptance by the National Assembly.

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Wilhelm Cuno

When Konstantin Fehrenbach became Chancellor, Rudolf Heinze became Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Justice in his cabinet.


From November 1922 to August 1923, Rudolf Heinze was Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Justice in the cabinet of Wilhelm Cuno.


Rudolf Heinze organized supplies for the population of the Ruhr area during the occupation by French and Belgian troops.