11 Facts About RuneQuest


RuneQuest is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game originally designed by Steve Perrin, Ray Turney, Steve Henderson, and Warren James, and set in Greg Stafford's mythical world of Glorantha.

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RuneQuest is notable for its system, designed around percentile dice and an early implementation of skill rules, which became the basis for numerous other games.

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RuneQuest partnered with Robin D Laws to publish an all-new game system set in Glorantha called Hero Wars in 2000.

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RuneQuest has developed in many different ways over its 40-year history.

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In RuneQuest, a hit against a character's leg, weapon arm, or head has specific effects on the game's mechanics and narrative.

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Adventurers in RuneQuest are not divided into those who do use magic and those who do not.

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RuneQuest bestiary contains a large selection of fantasy monsters and their physical stats.

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At a time when many RPG settings were cobbled together, RuneQuest offered players a vibrant living world, giving them a much more developed fictional world with established geography, history, and religion.

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Key element of RuneQuest's flavor is an adventurer's membership of religious societies.

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RuneQuest was chosen for inclusion in the 2007 book Hobby Games: The 100 Best.

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In 1980 the core of the RuneQuest system was published in a simplified form edited by Greg Stafford and Lynn Willis as Basic Role-Playing.

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