14 Facts About Ruth Behar


Ruth Behar was born on 1956 and is a Cuban-American anthropologist and writer.


Ruth Behar's work includes academic studies, as well as poetry, memoir, and literary fiction.


Ruth Behar was four when her family immigrated to the US following Fidel Castro's gaining power in the revolution of 1959.


Ruth Behar studied cultural anthropology at Princeton University, earning her doctorate in 1983.


Ruth Behar has specialized in studying the lives of women in developing societies.


Ruth Behar is a professor at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.


Ruth Behar noted, "I knew the stories of the Jews in Cuba, but it was all about looking at them as a community".


Ruth Behar argues that the ethnographic fieldworker should identify and work though, his or her own emotional involvement with the subject under study.


Ruth Behar suggested that the ideal of a "scientific," distanced, impersonal mode of presenting materials was incomplete.


Ruth Behar's grandparents emigrated to Cuba from Russia, Poland and Turkey during the 1920s.


At the age of nine, Ruth Behar suffered a broken leg from the crash of her family's car.


In 1985, Ruth Behar was working in Mexico when she befriended an Indian witch working as a street peddler.


Ruth Behar blamed pent-up rage about her husband and life as the reason for the deaths in infancy of the first six of her 12 children.


Ruth Behar reflects on her own life and begins to think that her Latina-gringa conflicts result from a feeling of loss after having tried to model herself according to the American Dream, thus losing some sense of her Cuban Jewish family's past in that island nation.