14 Facts About Saint Nino


Saint Nino's tomb is still shown at the Bodbe Monastery in Kakheti, eastern Georgia.


Many sources agree that Saint Nino was born in the small town of Colastri, in the Roman province of Cappadocia, although a smaller number of sources disagree with this.


Saint Nino's father was Roman general Zabulon and her mother Sosana.


Saint Nino went to Rome with the help of her uncle where she decided to preach the Christian gospel in Iberia, known to her as the resting place of Christ's tunic.


Saint Nino woke up from this vision with the cross in her hands, and she tied the cross together with her own hair.


Shortly after, Saint Nino entered the Iberian Kingdom in Caucasus from the Kingdom of Armenia, where she escaped persecution at the hands of the Armenian King Tiridates III.


Saint Nino had belonged to a community of virgins numbering 35, along with martyr Hripsime, under the leadership of St Gayane, who preached Christianity in the Armenian Kingdom.


Saint Nino reached the borders of the ancient Georgian Kingdom of Iberia from the south about 320.


Saint Nino, restoring the Queen's health, won to herself disciples from the Queen's attendants, including a Jewish priest and his daughter, Abiathar and Sidonia.


Saint Nino secluded himself from Nino and the growing Christian community in his kingdom.


Saint Nino, having witnessed the conversion of Iberia to Christianity, withdrew to the mountain pass in Bodbe, Kakheti.


St Saint Nino died soon after; immediately after her death, King Mirian commenced with the building of monastery in Bodbe, where her tomb can still be seen in the churchyard.


The Phoka Convent of St Saint Nino was established in rural Georgia by Abbess Elizabeth and two novices.


The Sacred Monastery of Saint Nino Nina is the home of a monastic community of Georgian Apostolic Orthodox Christian nuns in the Patriarchate of Georgia's North American Diocese.