16 Facts About Sally Cruikshank


Sally Cruikshank was born in Chatham, New Jersey, the daughter of parents Rose and Ernest.


Sally Cruikshank's parents were both Southerners, with her father, an accountant who worked in nearby New York City, New York, holding a Phi Beta Kappa key from Duke University, in North Carolina.


Sally Cruikshank has a brother, and had a sister, Carol, who died in 1991.


Sally Cruikshank studied art at Smith College, where in her junior year art teacher Elliot Offner sent slides of her colored-pencil and clay-relief-on-paper drawings to a screening committee that resulted in a scholarship to the two-month Yale Summer Art School.


Sally Cruikshank hoped I'd figure out how to solve 3-d without glasses.


Sally Cruikshank encouraged me generously without ever paying much attention to me.


In 1975 Sally Cruikshank made a comic strip based on her characters Anita and Quasi, which was published in the third issue of the underground comics magazine Arcade.

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At Snazelle, Sally Cruikshank began developing her best-known work, Quasi at the Quackadero, working titles of which included I Walked with a Duck, Hold That Quasi, and Quasi Quacks Up.


The 10-minute, 35mm short, with 100 watercolor backgrounds and approximately 5,000 cels, took two years for Sally Cruikshank to draw, followed by four months for photography and post-production.


Sally Cruikshank independently financed the $6,000 budget, which went primarily for cel painting, sound recording and lab and camera work.


Underground cartoonist Kim Deitch, then Sally Cruikshank's boyfriend, did some of the inking, using dip pen and rapidograph, with Kathryn Lenihan doing most of the cel painting.


Sally Cruikshank evolved a recognizable style with surrealistic and psychedelic elements.


Sally Cruikshank was in the process, as of 2011, of transferring her works into 35mm film format, for archival purposes.


Sally Cruikshank then participated in a Halloween special of SpongeBob SquarePants called The Legend of Bookini Bottom in the 2D section of that special.


Sally Cruikshank prefers the early New York City animation of such producers as the Fleischer Studios and the Van Beuren Studios, as well as early Bob Clampett.


In 1986, Sally Cruikshank won the initial Maya Deren Award for independent film and video artists, given by the American Film Institute, along with Stan Brakhage and Nam June Paik.