17 Facts About Sarah Edmondson


Sarah Edmondson studied in the theatre program at Lord Byng Secondary School, Vancouver, British Columbia.


Sarah Edmondson then graduated from Concordia University, Montreal, with a BFA in Theatre Performance.


Sarah Edmondson has performed in a variety of YTV programs including Are You Afraid of the Dark, Student Bodies, Big Wolf on Campus and in series such as Stargate SG-1, Andromeda, Godiva's, Edgemont and Continuum.


In 2007, Sarah Edmondson was nominated for the Leo Awards in the category of "Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Short Drama" for her role in the Sparklelite Motel.


Sarah Edmondson performed her first play, a solo show, entitled Dead Bird, at the 2005 Chutzpah Festival.


Sarah Edmondson starred in Lifetime Television's Killer Hair and Hostile Makeover, and A Gun to the Head in 2009, followed by JJ Abrams's series Fringe in 2010.


Sarah Edmondson has created original voices for various Barbie, Bratz and Polly Pocket movies.

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Sarah Edmondson voiced the character of Windy Whistles in the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic season seven episode "Parental Glideance".


Sarah Edmondson was involved in the Albany, New York-based organization NXIVM.


Sarah Edmondson said she was recruited into DOS by her friend and NXIVM member Lauren Salzman.


In 2017, at the urging of Catherine Oxenberg, Sarah Edmondson contacted Frank Parlato, a former NXIVM publicist, to share details about her branding experience.


Sarah Edmondson showed the brand in a New York Times expose of NXIVM in 2017.


Sarah Edmondson filed a complaint with the New York State Department against physician Dr Danielle Roberts, alleging that Roberts performed the branding.


Sarah Edmondson was the subject of a 2018 CBC podcast: Uncover: Escaping NXIVM, which is an investigative podcast series about the group, its leader Keith Raniere and one woman's journey to get out.


Sarah Edmondson's memoir, Scarred: The True Story of How I Escaped NXIVM, the Cult That Bound My Life, was published by Chronicle Books in September 2019.


Sarah Edmondson appears in the documentary series The Vow directed by Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer, which premiered on August 23,2020, on HBO.


Sarah Edmondson launched her own podcast called A Little Bit Culty, co-hosted by her husband and fellow NXIVM whistleblower Anthony "Nippy" Ames.