12 Facts About Science journalism


One way science journalism can achieve that is to avoid an information deficit model of communication, which assumes a top-down, one-way direction of communicating information that limits an open dialogue between knowledge holders and the public.

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Science journalism information continues to be widely available to the public online.

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Traditionally, Science journalism is seen as more ethical if it is balanced reporting and includes information from both sides of an issue.

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Science journalism has moved to an authoritative type of reporting where they present information based on peer reviewed evidence and either ignore the conflicting side or point out their lack of evidence.

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Science journalism continues to adapt to a slow journalism method that is very time-consuming but contains higher quality information from peer reviewed sources.

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Science journalism worked with a film-maker Peter Onneken who was making a film about junk science in the diet industry with fad diets becoming headline news despite terrible study design and almost no evidence.

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Science journalism invented a fake "diet institute" that lacks even a website, used the pen name "Johannes Bohannon" and fabricated a press release.

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Science journalism journalists keep the public informed of scientific advancements and assess the appropriateness of scientific research.

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Science journalism is based on experimental evidence, testing and not dogma, and disputation is a normal activity.

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Science journalism journalists offer important contributions to the open science movement by using the Value Judgement Principle.

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Science journalism journalists are responsible for "identifying and explaining major value judgments for members of the public.

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Science journalism finds itself under a critical eye due to the fact that it combines the necessary tasks of a journalist along with the investigative process of a scientist.

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